Bishnupur Public School – High(H.S)
A Co-educational English Medium School
General Rules of Conduct and Discipline:-
1. Enrollment in Bishnupur Public School – High (H.S.) implies on the part of the Students, Parents, Guaidian’s Willingness to comply with the area to abide by the rules and regulations of the schools.
2. Any act of Indiscipline , Insubordination, interference in the administration, disrespect to any teacher, disrespect to any religion or community by any student shall not be tolerated and delinquent may even be suspended / expelled from the School.
3. Parents are requested to see their children attend school punctually and to ensure their collection from school at the hour of dismissal. No parent or servant will be allowed into the school premises or permitted to take a child home without producing of the child’s identity card. The observances to these rules are of vital importance for the safety of the children and for School discipline.
4. Parents or guardians are not allowed to the see their children or discuss with the teachers during School hours without the permission of the Head Master / Education Supervisor.
5. Pupils must attend school with neat and clean school uniforms. No jewellary except a wrist watch or light earning may be worn.
6. No pupil may leave the school premises without the permission of the H.M.
7. Reports of general progress will be sent to parents during the year. These should be studied carefully and returned to the school authorities signed by the parents or guardians. Promotion is granted on the basis of a whole year work of a pupil, hence the importance of regularity in attendance and work should be given. The decision of the school authority in regard to promotion is final.
8. Irregular attendance is the sufficient reason for the expulsion of a student.
9. No leave of absence will be granted without a previously written application from the parents to the H.M. pupils who have been absent from class for some unforeseen reason or who come late must have the reason entered in the School Diary stating briefly the cause of absence or delay. In case of long term illness with expected time for cure.
10. Fees should be paid within 20th of every month with late fee of Rs. 25/- within the last working day of the month; if fees are not paid on time, the name of the student will be automatically struck off from the register and the student will be required to apply for re-admission. Before Summer and Puja vacation two months’ school fees must be paid in advance.
11. Result of exam. Of a student will be withheld if dues are not cleared.
12. The decision of the school authority will be final regarding admission. The admission fee under no circumstances is refundable.
13. Students should be responsible for the safe keeping of their belongings; personal property e.g. books, cardigans, bags, water, bottles, Tiffin boxes etc. should bear the name of the students. Valuable articles should not be brought to school cannot be held responsible for the goods lost.
14. Every pupil attending school must take part in drill, games and all other school activities.
15. All damages to school must be neatly made good by the offenders.
16. Students are not permitted to give personal gifts to members of the all staff. Children are permitted to distribute only sweets on their birthdays.
17. Those who bring bicycles should keep them properly locked at the place fixed for them.
18. All correspondence , neatly written regarding the pupils should be addressed to the H.M.
19. Class monitor shall maintain discipline in the absence of a teacher. Students should co-operate with him/her in maintaining discipline.
20. When pupils go from one class to another, they must walk in silence.
21. Pupils cannot leave class without teacher’s permission.
22. No pupil should loiter in school and disturb the teaching of other classes.
23. Free time / Breathing Space should be utilized in library.
24. Every pupil is responsible for the cleanliness of himself /herself, his/her belongings his / her class and school.
25. All students should try to converse in English during school hours.
26. Strict discipline and silence are to be maintained in the library. Computer room and science lab.
27. The school cannot be held responsible for accidents, minor or serious injury to students during their stay in the school or while taking part in sports or co-curricular activities within or outside school premises though every care will be taken to ensure safety of students. In case of any casualty a prompt first aid will be given and parents notified.
28. A list of holiday for the current year is printed in the School Diary. All are expected to attend school on the re-opening day after each vacation.
29. An annual parent-teacher meeting is generally held when parents can meet class teachers to discuss their child’s performance. At other time during school hour a parent wishing to meet a teacher can do so after obtaining the prior permission of the H.M.
30. The school will not take any responsibility once the child is with the guardian or any other escort having the identity card to the child.
31. Students must see that only homework/assignment / project given to them submitted in time.
32. Promotion to higher standards , issue of conduct and other certificates are matters absolutely within the discretion of the H.M.